Charcoal Colon Cleanser

on Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Colon cleansing is very essential in today's life style. All of us eat a lot of unwanted foods that are being processed to maximum extent. Process foods are although easy to digest along with it comes other negative factors like while processing the food a large amount of essential nutrients are lost. We get only one quarter of the original nutrient that is available in the raw food. More over consuming many processed foods also creates a large amount of intestinal tract problems like indigestion, constipation, intestinal clogging etc. many unwanted materials which cannot be digested by our body gets stored in the intestine. During the bowel movement, some portion alone is able to be excreted out leaving the rest untouched. As a result it builds up in the due course to produce constipation and other related problems.

It is therefore essential to clean the bowel frequently through artificial methods or external methods. In addition, these building up of the nutrients produce other secondary toxins which are harmful to the body. The toxins are responsible for many kinds of body ailments like joint aches, body aches etc. Therefore it is essential that these toxins also have to be removed from the body along with the unwanted debris. There are many means to do this but the most cost effective and easy way to do is by the use of activated charcoal capsules.

Activated charcoal is the common charcoal that is available after burning the husk or coconut. The extreme power of the charcoal is that it is very absorbent and quickly adsorbs to all the organic wastes and the chemical toxins that are available in the intestine very effectively. Charcoal is very porous substance that is made up of carbon particles extensively. They are available in the form of capsules along with the physillium husk. Physsilium husk is essential as intake of activated carbon alone can cause constipation. Physsilium husk is rich in natural fibres that help to prevent constipation. When it can not be consumed like a capsule the capsule can be broken up and the contents alone can be mixed up with a glass of water and can be drunk. The effect is the same.

One draw back of using activated charcoal as the colon cleansing agent is that in addition to absorbing to the unwanted materials in the intestine it can equally attract the nutrients present in the intestine after the digestion of the food. Thus it can deploy the body from essential nutrients. In order to avoid this situation the activated charcoal capsule can be consumes either before 2 hours or after 2 hours after the food intake. In this gap the nutrients are well absorbed by the body thus leaving only the organic waste for the charcoal to be absorbed.

After the charcoal intake, the stool tends to be black and little hard. There is nothing to fear and the colour of the stool regains the bile colour after stopping the intake. Although the charcoal should not be consumed daily as it has no nutritious value and might add to the bulk in extreme cases.

***** See more for info about this, please go to Coconut Charcoal Indonesia
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