From Nature to the Product of Industry

on Tuesday 20 October 2015

Nature is so generous in providing sources for various things including the coconut charcoal. Many people already know about charcoals of many kinds. These are the alternative fuel for various purposes such as being the fuel for cooking. The various charcoals are usually made of the woods those have been processed and made into charcoal. The process will usually include burning the woods. What about the coconut coals? These are the charcoals especially made from the coconut shells. These coals are very unique in its way and will be very good to be used for the various purposes including charcoal with barbecue.

The coconut charcoal briquettes are all made from the natural coconut shells without causing problems for the Mother Nature. The coconut shells are the shells come from industrial waste of the other industries such as nata de coco industry or coconut milk industry. There are home industries of handicrafts that will need of coconut shells as well. However, these home industries usually need the good coconut shells with perfect round shape. For the best charcoal made of coconut shells, the good shape of coconut shells is not necessary to be considered. There will still be the wicked good charcoal coming from the broken coconut shells.

Activated charcoal uses are varied from cooking to the other things like smoking shisha. To be used as the hookah coal, the coconut shells charcoals are pressed into cubes for the more practical usage. With the practical smaller cubes, using the charcoal will not become a difficult thing. The charcoals can be neatly arranged into the rightful place and burnt to get started. Using the activated charcoal for gas or fuel of cooking is also a very common thing to be done. The charcoals made of coconut shells can also be made into the custom size of shapes.

Finding the goof charcoals made of coconut shells is another story. There are various charcoal brands that can be found out there and everyone wants the best. All of the brands of charcoal will claim that they have good and natural charcoals that will be safe to be used. The charcoals can be used for the various purposes including and the most common usage will be barbecue. The BBQ won’t be done without the good amount of charcoals. And of course, there is a need to also get charcoal filter for the safer usage of charcoals.

Best Product : see more to :

this my spesification for my best product :
Brand : ARRA
Size : 25mm x 25mm x 25mm
Moisture , max 6%
Ash Content , max 2,4%
Volatile Metter , max 13%
Fix Carbon , min 85%
Calorific Value , up to 7500 Kcal /Kg
Heat Content , up to 600 C
Ignition Time , max 10 minutes
Glowing Time , min 2 hours

100% pure organic & natural ingredients, No Taste, No Smell, Smoke Free Spark Free
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Processing the Wasted Coconut Shells into High Quality Charcoal

on Tuesday 6 October 2015

High Quality
Who ever thought that coconut shells can be very useful as coconut charcoal? Admittedly, not everyone knows for sure if coconut shells will be valuable. The coconut shells are often being wasted just like that without being properly processed into better things. However, recently the coconut shells become very popular. Various products made of coconut shells can be found and coconut coals will be amongst them. Yes, the very useful charcoal briquettes can be made of coconut shells as well. It makes coconut a real amazing plant because every part will be useful including the shell of coconut fruit that can be made into various goods such as wicked good charcoal.

How do these coconut shells processed into charcoal suitable for many things like hookah coal? The obvious thing to be done is collecting the coconut shell first. These coconut shells can be found through several ways. When it comes for industrial usages of producing best charcoal of coconut shells, it’s easier to get coconut shells sold or wasted by other industries. A lot of manufacturers need coconut water and coconut meat but not the shells. Taking the shells from these manufacturers will be the great first step to produce quality activated charcoal for gas under the various charcoal brands.

Every manufacturer of charcoal made of coconut shells has their very own method of production. The results are varied as well considering these manufacturers might have slightly different approach. Of course in the activated charcoal uses, the quality of each brand of charcoal will be seen. The good one will definitely give better performance as well as being safe for the users. There are a lot of usages of charcoal can be found including for barbecue. Who doesn’t like the grilled meats or vegetables? They are tasty and easy to be made. The great charcoal with barbecue will provide real tasty and healthier foods.

In the usages of coconut shell charcoal or even any kinds of charcoal, there is a need to use charcoal filter. It is a natural thing needed in every time cooking or using charcoal for any purposes. For cooking, it is obvious that the cooking fuel such as charcoal can’t possibly be in contact with foods because the foods will get burnt quickly. The BBQ time will be great with the good charcoal and the good filter. Good charcoal is the key to the better experience of using charcoal.

Best Product : see more to :

this my spesification for my best product :
Brand : ARRA
Size : 25mm x 25mm x 25mm
Moisture , max 6%
Ash Content , max 2,4%
Volatile Metter , max 13%
Fix Carbon , min 85%
Calorific Value , up to 7500 Kcal /Kg
Heat Content , up to 600 C
Ignition Time , max 10 minutes
Glowing Time , min 2 hours

100% pure organic & natural ingredients, No Taste, No Smell, Smoke Free Spark Free
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